Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"The Thrill of Thrift"

My other blog, "The Thrill of Thrift"  is now up and running.  Just 2 little posts so far, but I've got much more in store for the next couple of weeks.  This is just a creative outlet for me and I hope you guys can enjoy it and get something useful out of it from time to time.  I am obsessed with finding steals and deals, thrift shopping, trash-to-treasure, garage saleing, CVSing, and coupon clipping.  You'll see a little of all of this on my blog.  I honestly get giddy when I bring home a lot of stuff or a one-of-a-kind piece for hardly any money out of pocket!  (And if you're not CVSing yet or have not heard of it- be on the look out for when I post about those steals!)
If you're interested in feeling "the thrill of thrift," check out this blog from time to time.  I won't be updating it as often as Twinserkins, but at least once a week I hope to have something up there to share!

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